
Friday, January 21, 2011

Family ties, 'an granny's pies 'an folks giving a tip or two...

Last night I had my wonderful cousin over for dinner. I wanted to test a recipe of my Gran’s, which I thought might be a quick and easy kiddies meal and needed some guinea pigs to test it on. So over dinner the topic of my new blog came up and Annika and Adam were full of helpful suggestions for me.

One of these suggestions was to write an about me page. I’m a bit shy and not keen on blowing my own horn so that is not going to be easy but I will give it bash. The other suggestion was to write about my philosophy about food and cooking and some of the habits and tips I use in my kitchen which I find helpful.

I like both of these ideas so here goes... will start writing this weekend and will start adding some of this to my blog, in between my recipes.

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