
Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Don't bash it till you've tried it…

As mentioned yesterday, I have a tummy bug. I have tried to reign in my general malaise as I need to be sensible about what I eat now, so as to get rid of this bug as quickly as possible. I have heard many theories about what one should and should not eat, but I am mostly in favour of the “eat whatever you can keep down” theory.
When I’m sick, marmite is one of the foods I can usually stomach and this sparked a memory. A few months ago a friend had told me about a Marmite pasta she had heard about via Nigella Lawson. I had been doubtful as to Nigella having anything to do with something as mundane as that but after a short goggle search there it was. You have to watch this clip – it is just too divine. Makes me want to eat it all over again. I love that woman.
Anyway, I used one tablespoon of butter, to one teaspoon of marmite for one helping of pasta. I didn’t add pasta water, but will certainly do that next time. I am sure lashings of grated parmesan would doubtless improve the dish (as it does anything), but thought it wisest to avoid that in my current state. It was delicious!
I have still to try this pasta on kids but from Nigella’s account, you can’t go wrong!


  1. I am gonna try that but dont think Vegemite will have the same impact!

  2. Am so gona make that for supper post my tummy bug
