
Thursday, February 10, 2011

Miraculous seeds

Oh no, I think I’m in trouble… I was browsing around for info around omega mix seeds and happened to stumble on a recipe for omega seed brittle – as if I needed another application for seeds in my cooking… I have just made a batch and they are cooling in the fridge. From the scraps I tasted from the spoon and pan, this could be my newest sweet fix. I keep telling myself it could be worse, at least the seeds are jammed with plant based natural essential fatty acids and fibre. I’m going to ignore the calorie count.

Most supermarkets and health shops stock a mixed pack of seeds usually containing flax, sunflower, sesame and pumpkin seeds – some have added linseeds, soy nut chips, rape seed, chia seed, whatever the mix it’s probably good for you and they taste GREAT!

I use them in savoury and sweet dishes or plain as a snack. I do however prefer them toasted, it gives them a far nuttier taste.

When using them for savoury dishes I like to toast them with a little olive oil and add my favourite spices or spice mixes and a pinch of salt. I always double up quantities and keep the rest in a tupperware to have for quick use.

I love to use the mix as a Dukha with olive oil and bread for dipping. It is perfect to sprinkle on salads. Substitute it for pine nuts in pesto sauce. It makes a great garnish on soups and it’s a super snack for lunch boxes.

I love to add dry toasted plain seeds to my breakfast cereal, fruit salad and smoothies and where ever I can I add it to my baking to give it a slightly healthier twist. And now… the dangerously easy seed brittle!

Seed Brittle

Makes 20 small squares (10 of which I have already eaten,,, help!)

½ cup (125ml) of Omega mix seeds

2 Tbsp (30ml) of honey or golden syrup

A pinch of cinnamon or chai spice

Lightly toast the seeds in a pan until browning slightly. Add the spice and then the honey or syrup and stir the seeds around the pan for about 5 minutes allowing the honey to caramelize and the seeds to be fully coated. Be careful not to burn the honey. Remove the pan from the heat if you see the honey bubbling dark brown or smell burning sugar, stir thoroughly and pour out onto a greased baking tray. flatten and compress the mixture using a greased spatula and allow to set in the fridge, cut into squares of about 2cm2 and store in an airtight container.

These are perfect for a healthier option for a sweet fix and I will be trying it crushed up on ice cream soooooon!

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