
Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Oats so delicious!

It’s been a fabulous weekend of fine food, friends, lots and lots of wine and some more fine food. This means that I need to be a little more frugal with the calories this week. I know oats isn’t really a diet breakfast but it is a breakfast which fills me up and keeps me that way for most of a busy day. This is important to me as I am a grazer and if I’m even a little out of kilter, I will standing in front of the fridge every hour or picking up a packet of Niknaks on my next errand. Niknaks are one of my most favourite things!

Okay, so starting with oats certainly helps me quell the grazing urges but I would feel far too deprived if it was just a bowl of gruel I had to be faced with first thing in the morning. I added light coconut milk to my oats, maka powder, vanilla essence, stevia, two blobs of cashew nut paste, toasted omega mix seeds, sliced banana and a drizzle of honey. It was so good it tasted like dessert and I was so full I couldn’t finish the bowl. Smaller portion next time.

My oats mission was revived by reading another food blogger with a passion for oats. Take peek at Fit Foodie Finds – if only I had been like that at varsity (if only I was like that now…)

I’m off now to visit my Mom out in Betty’s Bay and we have planned one rather unusual meal followed by a fabulously traditional afternoon tea treat! Can’t wait to report back.

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