
Friday, April 29, 2011

The Royal Wedding...

I had a bit of a rushed morning with errands and work, all of which needed to be finished before my date to watch the royal wedding at 12h00! I naturally wanted to have some nice snacks and bubbly to accompany the wedding watching but had neither the time nor inclination (after the last week of nonstop cooking) to prepare anything fiddly. So I popped past Giovanni’s, picked up some Parma ham, smoked salmon and Le Petit France camembert and few other goodies, popped past woollies to get rye bread, croissants, crackers, crème fraiche, grapes and mini lemon cheese cakes.

I arrived at my Dad’s house at 11h45, so very little time to spare before missing the good stuff. So the snacks were banged out in literally 10 minutes. Croissants with parma ham and cherry tomatoes, rye bread toast squares with crème fraiche, smoked salmon and cucumber triangles and a cheese board with grapes and crackers. It was quick easy and simply delicious. My three favourite things when it come to food!

The wedding on the other hand was stiff, formal and left me wanting for some serious romance… I guess there was loads of protocol to follow, but a little bit of romance and some kitschi’ness would have gone down a treat. The royal family is almost purely there for the entertainment of the british people… come on then, give us a little schmaltz please!

How awesome was the bridesmaid's dress though?

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