
Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Delighted by Diletto

Shopping is an activity I can enjoy for about 45 minutes at a stretch tops. After that I become restless, irritable and eventually downright irrational. The idea of online shopping has never appealed to me as I like to pick things up, read the label, feel the cloth, try it on – a full sensory experience which online shopping doesn’t afford you. That was until Annika @anysroad met Martin from Diletto at the Hope Street market where they have a stall. She then passed on their details to me and I went onto their site to check it out – to my delight it is full of the products and suppliers I love and use – no selling needed.

They are an online deli with a personally sourced range of premium products from small scale or premium producers mostly in the Western Cape region. A lot of these products are available at delis, markets and speciality stores but you usually have to venture further than your regular supermarket to find them, especially if you don’t live in the Cape. I live in Obz and am a Pick n Pay girl but sadly my Pick n Pay doesn’t stock a lot of the speciality or premium brands I like and being the lazy bones I am, I’m not likely to mission around to find them.

Problem solved with Diletto. Last week Monday I went online and with ease (I’m not that tech savvy) I ordered some Vanilla Man vanilla extract, Jack Black beer, So!Go caramel fudge sauce (oh my word, have eaten most of it straight from the jar already!), Origin Coffee and Tokara Frontoio Olive Oil. My order was processed and a day later they contacted me to ask me where I would like my parcel delivered. Obz falls into the city bowl area, so my delivery was free! R50 delivery charge to anywhere in South Africa – I think this is fabulous news for my joburg readers!

I promptly baked an Italian vanilla cake, have been waking up to fabulous coffee, enjoyed Adam’s favorite beer with him at home and oh that caramel fudge sauce… an ode should be written for that sauce! All this without leaving the house! I like it!


  1. I was about to say - surely you ordered the beer just for Adam :)
    Jan was still swooning over the fudge by the way!

  2. Always keep your man happy, especially if pays most of the bills ;-) I did however tuck into a few beers myself!
    Jan was blown away by that fudge sauce... will keep some for you! Not much left so will need to hold myself back!

  3. i didn't know you got olive leaf tea... really interesting the stuff they have on diletto!
