
Friday, July 22, 2011

Frantic Friday Food Fast Fuel!

I have been frantically running around today try to shop and prep for a function of a hundred people for Saturday. I have been running the stocks in my fridge down so I would have space for all my prep so with very little to choose from, very little time but very much in need of a good meal I resorted to one of my old favorites. A microwaved potato with a salad of what ever is in the fridge piled on top.
Today's potato ensemble was topped with the left over Caesar dressing from Wednesday and the salad was chopped tomato, grated carrot, defrosted frozen sweetcorn, what was left in a baby Asian salad pack, crumbled feta, some chickpeas and my faithful toasted seeds.
It was fricken delicious and exactly what I needed to keep me going for the rest of my busy day!

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