
Sunday, December 18, 2011

Perfect imperfection.

I am sitting in the car as I write today’s blog. Adam and I are on our way to Knysna and this feels like the first time I have had the mental space and physical time to write, in at least two weeks. As some of you know Adam and I finally got married last week.

we got engaged a year and half ago and have been working out how we could get married with as little fuss and stress as possible. Having worked in the hotel and events industry for 10 years I do not labour under any illusions that traditional weddings are glittering magical blissful days.

We had played with various options this way and that (I even won a wedding for 20 people fully paid for) but all our considerations ended up back at the same place. Just him and I, two witnesses and a minister. And we almost got it right!

We got married on the morning of the 10th of December at our home with Adam’s brother and my sister as witnesses, a fabulous interdenominational minister and at the last minute a few dads, a skyped in mother and another brother. There was a lot of laughter, some very comical situations, beautiful words, tears and so much love.

We then nipped out for brunch with our two witnesses to our favourite eating space, Starlings. Adam and I then spent a few hours alone adsorbing the gravity of the bond we had just forged, while family and friends gathered at my sister’s house waiting to celebrate with us in the afternoon.

We were met by masses of bubbly, flowers, smiles, gifts, music, laughter, dancing and great food. It was the perfect amount of crazy happy to end off the reflective intimate morning. Echoing the words of the minster at our marriage – a perfectly imperfect day!


  1. So so thrilled for you darling Thekla - luv luv always, Michael

  2. Congratulations Thekla and Adam! What a joyful event and to those of us in the know( who work in the hospitality industry) what a perfect way to get married.
    Please come and have a celebratory breakfast at Avontuur (021 855 4296) in the spirit of your new joint 'adventure'
    Best regards

    1. Thank you for the kind words and invitation. Will make a plan to come out some weekend soon!
