
Tuesday, January 24, 2012

This is not a travel blog!

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One of the many highlights of our trip was Hogsback and the place we stayed at, called Terra-khaya. Hogsback is every bit as magical as anyone had told me it would be. It is, kind of, Beatrix Potter meets Lord of the Rings - loads of enchanted forest meandering around waterfalls, streams and mountains, with little lanes, rustic cottages, rambling flowering creepers and fields of lilies

The place we stayed, to quote: 'Terra-Khaya (...), an eco-friendly sustainable project is an experimental venture that flagships the ethos of life “off the grid”. We aim, through our methods of living and building, to be an example to both our visitors and locals, that conscious living and respect for Mother Earth is something that is mutually simple and rewarding.'

Adam and I stayed in a room called 'Khayelitsha' which as its name congers up, is a structure made from corrugated iron and all kinds of found items and objects. Contrary to it's name, it was quiet, cozy and creatively decorated. We had a super comfortable double bed with a big down duvet, a large vase filled with arum lilies and view over the valley. Their was a short walk to the long drop loo, which was not my favorite, but one has to take all these things in ones' stride. 

The owner is also a Chef and the food was excellent. Creative yet accessible and just downright delicious. I was fascinated by the micro greens which Shane had in the salads. He then showed me where and how he grows them and I am hell bent on doing just the same in my home now. I found this link which illustrates just how easy it is. 

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My 'blown away' moment however was the early morning horse ride Shane took us on. He practices a training method with the horses which is derived from the native american Indians and is a trust based approach. Shane rides bare back with no halter, using the pressure from his thighs, hand gestures and voice commands. Us mere mortals still used a saddle but rode bit-free just using halters. It was an awe inspiring ride - the methods, the horses, the landscape and Shane who is just super.

Picture care of facebook! 

1 comment:

  1. I must admit I like the idea of micro anything, but after buying micro basil from Woolies at R15 for a small packet my Dad needed to do a lot of convincing that he could taste every Rand spent...
