
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

My duck and I - a valentines story.

My duck and I, about to have a magical moment.
I have loved both Haiku, the vibe, the staff and their Peking duck since they opened. When my husband wants to treat me, he knows that he need go no future. And naturally yesterday, being valentines day, this is where we had dinner. 

It is really hard for Adam and I to go to 'fancy' restaurants together, as being a vegetarian, he really does draw the short straw. There is rarely more than two vegetarian dishes and they so often end up being things like mushroom risotto or butternut pasta or equally unimaginative dishes. I think top chefs dislike vegetarians as a whole and show it clearly on their menus. So Adam has to pay double for an average meal and then gets to watch me swoon over an array of gorgeous meat dishes. It just doesn't make for a great dining experience.  

Picture care of
But Haiku is different, being an oriental restaurant, they have a wide selection of vegetarian dishes. I can order what ever I want knowing that Adam is going to enjoy his meal as much as I will enjoy mine. Last night was no exception. We shared a selection of amazing vegetarian starers, the spinach and cream cheese steamed dim sum being the star of the show. It may sound random but it needs to be tasted to be believed. So very very yum. 

I love sitting at the counter seating - it is low enough to feel private but you can
keep an eye on the magic being created in the kitchen,
Picture care of
I then went on to order my all time favorite Peking duck while Adam ordered a sizzling aubergine dish which he could not stop raving about. I however was solely focused on my duck. The skin has a wafer like crispness and lightness and literally disintegrates in your mouth. The duck meat is tender and moist. The dish comes with julienne cucumber and shredded spring onion, a bamboo steamer with a pile of pancakes and a bowl of hoisin sauce. You then assemble your rolls, take a breath and plunge into food ecstasy. Okay, well I do! 

If I were to have any criticism it would be that I wish they would offer a half portion. I can eat quite a lot of food and I would hate to have to sacrifice some starter tapas. But the portion is simply to big for me. I did however take a doggy bag and had a rerun of last nights bliss for lunch today. 

My lunch of left overs - yes pleas!

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