
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I can't wipe the smile off my face! So happy! 

Woweee, 2012 has come in with a bang of validation, recognition and exposure. Last week I was selected among the top 10 best local food blogs for the Eat In awards. Simply being selected to stand among these bloggers of note is a huge honour for me. The winner will be announced in March and will be determined by the number of votes received. In order to vote you need to click the button below, which will take you to the Eat In voting page, click the pink button at the top of the page to vote, then follow the prompts and select the desired blog you wish to vote for.

Yesterday a campaign by South African Tourism was launched to promote South Africa in the Netherlands and Belgium. I was recommended, by TalismanTravel Design, as one of the people to represent food and they did a short docu clip on me. I was totally blown away when I saw the finished product. It really is so beautifully put together. There is also a great competition attached, so if you have friends in Europe, you should recommend they enter.

Thank you to everyone who has been supporting me in my growth as a person and giving me the courage and energy to carry on being true to myself and what I believe in. 


  1. well, if anyone - you deserve it! congrats!!

  2. We are following you from VA in the USA - so proud of all that you are accomplishing!

  3. You so deserve it. Well done and good luck x
