
Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Lunch like a tourist!

Last week I spontaneously met Adam for lunch in the company gardens behind where he works. Usually I pack a picnic for us when we do this but, as it was spontaneous, I didn't have time. The restaurants at tourist attractions are generally to be avoided, but it was such a sublime day we decided that lunch at the gardens restaurant would be worth the risk. 

The food was predictably ordinary but perfectly acceptable, and we were in our element - surrounded by the city buzz still audible but enveloped by vivid greens, crisp autumn light and the uplifting energy of people enjoying a well deserved holiday or simply a lunch break.


  1. did you tell the police to pose with you? looks actually lovely, i think i must go!

    1. I just love the mounted police... took loads of pics of them on their horsies!
