
Monday, July 23, 2012

My first Norwegian Risengrynsgrøt!

What? You haven't heard of Risengrynsgrøt before? Me neither, but rice pudding pretty much sums it up. I have always despised rice pudding. My mom always used to make it with left over rice and somehow it was always just stodgy and gross (sorry Mom, you know how much I love your cooking!)

So when the daughter of my boss begged to have this for lunch one day, I took a side step and let her Dad make it for her. I had to try some as I always try things I don't like in the hopes that one day I'll come around to it. Well, in this case, it worked. It was frikkin delicious!

It is more like a sweet risotto. The rice looks like a smaller rounder arborio rice grain and you cook it the same way allowing the liquid, in this case milk, to soak up slowly as you stir the simmering dish. Once cooked through and creamy in texture, you eat it with heaps of cinnamon, sugar and a dollop of butter. Seriously addictive stuff!

Apparently there are much fancier versions of this dish which are traditionally eaten at Christmas - with vanilla, almonds, cherry compote and cream... YUM!!! I want to try that.

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