
Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Meaty samp and bean stew

My husband has been travelling a lot recently, leaving me aaaall alooooone at home... poor me! 

I try to make the best of it. I watch all the chick flicks and series I need to catch up on. I have girly suppers with lots of giggling and silliness. And I eat meat. Lots of meat! My husband is a full vegetarian so I only have meat in the house if I am catering or when he's away. 

The one meaty dish I made recently is a dish I have loved since childhood: Samp and beans! I have taught my housekeeper to make a delicious vegetarian version which is the one we always eat. But while my husband was away, I thought it was time to make a hearty meaty samp and bean stew. 

It was delicious! Add to it a quick chopped salad and its a fabulously balanced, healthy and economical meal too. 

Samp and beans
Serves 6 - 8 (it freezes beautifully)

2 cups of dried samp and beans
1 cup of sugar beans
2 Tbsp of oil
2 large onions, finely chopped
3 cloves of garlic, finely chopped
500g beef shin off the bone, diced
1.5 liters of boiling water
2 oxtail stock cubes, crumbled 
2 tsp of smoked paprika
2 tsp of mild curry powder
1 Tbsp of soya sacue
1 tin of chopped tomatoes
2 cups of grated carrot
Salt and pepper to taste

Soak the samp and beans in water over-night or for a few hours. You can cook them from dry but it will just take longer and you will need to add more water to the recipe. 

In a medium sized heavy bottomed pot with a lid, fry the onion and garlic in the oil. Add the beef and fry for a few minutes. Add the water and stock cubes. Drain and add the samp and beans.

Add all the remaining ingredients except the salt a and sugar. Simmer for at least 2 hours, with the lid on stirring from time to time, until the beef and beans are soft and the sauce has formed a thick gravy. Season with salt and sugar to taste and allow this to simmer for a further half an hour or so until the flavors are fully combined. 

Serve with a chopped salad of your choice.

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